I started my eco journey back in 2011 with the birth of my first son. Up until that point I hadn't even recycled!
Suddenly you're aware that your life isn't just your life anymore, and actually it never really was just your life at all.
I'd run a sign company producing vinyl signage for vehicles, shops, offices etc. I keep saying that one day I'll calculate how much plastic vinyl, I sent out into the world, but the reality scares me. The only saving grace was that I never used cheap vinyl, I only used the best quality, usually from a company called metamark and the vinyl would be suitable for over a decade and some bits that I produced between 2007-2011 is still out there, advertising the wares and services of many Medway businesses. I do love seeing a van, that I'd lettered long ago, while out and about across Medway. Thankfully though, with the move to electric these sightings are becoming less frequent.
My old workshop in Chatham still has the sign and banner that we installed way back in 2008/2009! Sun bleached for sure, but it's still up, the landlord took the unit back around about 2012/2013 and we moved workshop to Rochester, in the grounds of Restoration House, where my sister is heading gardener (proud sister boast). Unfortunately my health deteriorated after my first born and I had to stop fitting, I moved over to graphic design and project management.
I got into the sign game through my dad who is a traditional signwriter (paint and brush), he's one of the best in the world (not just my opinion 😉).
I was very conscious about the paper waste (vinyl is a thin plastic that has a paper backing and you use giant rolls of "masking" tape to transfer the design onto the material). Conscious that these items could be recycled we teamed up with a local scout group, who collected our waste to raise funds for their expeditions. But I didn't recycle at home, and anyone who knows me now wouldn't believe it, as I'm literally obsessed with it!
So what's your story what flicked on your green switch?